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Animal welfare is not just our job, it's our mission.

aniSYS shelter management software

is clever, it's easy and made exactly for you and your project.

Animal welfare is not just our job, it's our mission.


Manage your project effortlessly – anywhere, anytime, with no installation or additional costs.


Leverage the power of your team and save time. The information you need is available to everyone – concise and exactly where you need it.

Stay Informed

Keep yourself always informed. Clear and customized views integrate seamlessly into your daily routines, supporting you in your work.

Born from practice

Your project, your software – whether you work alone or run the world's largest shelter, your daily operations are our model.


Guaranteed safety: encrypted transmissions, secure data storage, regular backups.

Why aniSYS ?

How your project benefits from our animal welfare software


Revolutionary office organization - Less paperwork, more efficiency and time!

Put an end to the paperwork and tedious office work! Thanks to our innovative solution, administration tasks are handled quickly and easily, allowing valuable time resources to be created. With thoughtful lists and forms, you'll not only save time but also optimize your workflow. Discover now how aniSYS can elevate your office organization to a new level!


The perfect shelter management software for everyday use - Developed to be lightweight, intuitive, and practical.

Developed in collaboration with veterinarians, partner shelters, and organizations, aniSYS has been tailored practically to meet real-life requirements. Its user interface is easy and intuitive, allowing you to dive right in without lengthy training periods.

Whether your organization is very large or very small, aniSYS is a perfect fit for any shelter, regardless of size. Thanks to its flexibility and adaptability, you can optimize your shelter management according to your needs.

Did you know that the largest animal shelter in the world has chosen aniSYS ? Join the community and discover how simple shelter management can be!


Efficient Teamwork:
More Time for Your Animals!

Elevate communication and collaboration within your team to a new level! With our solution, you'll receive all information, data, and updates in real-time – whether in the office or on the field. Access up-to-date information at all times, benefit from significantly faster decision-making processes, and document more easily and efficiently. This leaves you with more time for what truly matters: your animals. Discover now how our technology can revolutionize your workflows!


The Most Innovative Shelter Management Solution –
Globally Connected, Language-Agnostic, Time-Saving

Your ultimate shelter management software for national and international projects. Effortlessly connect teams, overcome language barriers, and save valuable time.


Up-to-the-Minute with Zero Effort: Always the Latest Updates for Your Software

Benefit from the ongoing evolution of our features! Our aim is to provide you with an even better, simpler, and faster solution – all at no cost and without any additional effort on your part. All updates are included, ensuring you stay current and enjoy the continuous improvements that streamline and enhance your work. Discover how easy it can be to always utilize the best!

Discover Our Top Features

Medical Module

Record all medical treatments, upload documents, and keep track of your animals' health. Whether you run your own clinic, collaborate with a partner veterinarian, or document medical matters yourself – all information is centrally stored and available to your team at any time.

Digital animal file

All data of each animal is being stored in the digital animal file and enables vets, shelter management, animal keeper or other team members tailored access based on their access permissions. All data is stored in a highly reliable and secure database.


Adoption management

Manage national and international adoptions with the highest efficiency and quality. Ensure your team is always up-to-date and no details are lost. Our solution guarantees that all information is centrally stored and accessible at any time, ensuring your adoption processes run smoothly and successfully.




Present Your Protégés Like Never Before!

With aniSYS, showcasing your protégés on the internet has never been easier. Our intelligent system utilizes existing data to automatically create a unique web profile for each animal. You decide when to make it public. Add stunning photos or videos, and you're ready to go!





Depature coordination

aniSYS seamlessly integrates with adoption management for a smooth process. Comprehensive work and checklists ensure a precise overview, with selected information readily available in one place. Your entire team can access and contribute to success collectively.









Working tasks and reminder

Never Forget Important Steps Again! With aniSYS, you receive automatic reminders, ensuring your team collaborates efficiently and always stays on top of the right tasks. Optimize your workflow, boost your organization's productivity, and effectively save time.



TRACES management for transfers in the EU

aniSYS provides valuable support for cross-border animal transport within the European Union (EU) and for TRACES-NT registration. Clear checks and lists, created automatically and without additional effort, are available. Simplify your transport and rely on aniSYS for smooth and efficient handling.







Data privacy

The authorization concept of aniSYS is geared towards practical use and enables the flexible assignment of privileges for as well internal staff and external partners such as official veterinarians, foster homes and transport companies. This gives users access only to relevant data according to their task area.We exclusively work with providers certified in accordance to ISO 27018 (an extension of ISO 27001) as standard for information security.

Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.


Vaccination and antiparasite treament

Plan your vaccinations proactively and save time and money. Utilize our intelligent vaccine monitoring, which precisely indicates when each vaccination is due and reminds you in time as the date approaches.

Similarly, streamline the deworming process. Simplify animal healthcare with aniSYS and stay one step ahead!







Pet Hamster

‘Especially in an animal shelter with over 6000 dogs, you need clear and unambiguous documentation. With aniSYS, this is much easier and saves a lot of time. We are very grateful for the customised support, which simplifies the processes and communication between our Smeura in Romania and the association's headquarters in Germany.’

Nastassja Herbst, Office Manager of Tierhilfe Hoffnung e.V.

„Als Tierarzt finde ich es besonders vorteilhaft, auf einen Blick die gesamte medizinische Akte des Tieres, inklusive vorheriger Röntgenbilder zu sehen und unmittelbar nach Behandlungen, Medikamenteneingaben oder nach chirurgischen Eingriffen die Möglichkeit zu haben auf technisch einfach verständliche Weise zu dokumentieren und meine Eintragungen jedem Kollegen, ob pflegerisch oder tierärztlich, sofort einsehbar zu machen.“
Dr. Stefan Saluvescu Tierarzt Tierheim Smeura



„Gerade in einem Tierheim mit über 6000 Hunden ist man auf übersichtliche und eindeutige Dokumentation angewiesen. Mit aniSYS gelingt das sehr viel einfacher und mit großer Zeitersparnis. Wir sind sehr dankbar für die maßgeschneiderte Unterstützung, die die Abläufe und Kommunikation zwischen unserer Smeura in Rumänien und dem Vereinssitz in Deutschland vereinfacht.“


Nastassja Herbst,  Büroleitung Tierhilfe Hoffnung

“Have customers review you and share what they had to say. Click to edit and add their testimonial.”

Nasstassja Herbst

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